The new edition of Previews, the comic shop catalogue is now out and ordering begins for comics starting in February 2015. I thought I'd share my thoughts on what I'll be ordering this month!

Black Hood (Dark Circle)
At long last the re-launch of the old Archie Comics characters begins with a crime-noir series featuring the Black Hood. It features a policeman whose scarred face following a gunfight makes him put on a hood and become a killer himself.
Given that Archie's new horror line Afterlife with Archie and Sabrina are critical successes, their new Dark Circle line should be worth a look!

The Multiversity: Mastermen (DC)
The Multiversity #1: Directors Cut (DC)
A new chapter in Grant Morrison's excellent Multiversity series appears this time set on an Earth where the Nazi's have won the war and their version of Superman is called Overman! The old Freedom Fighters team exists on this world. So a welcome return to Uncle Sam, the Phantom Lady, Black Condor, Dollman and the Human Bomb as they battle the Nazi "heroes" Leatherman, Blitzen and of course Overman amongst others.
DC are also releasing a special edition of the first issue of the series highlighting the pencil work of Ivan Reis plus other features. This edition also includes a large fold out map of the multiverse. Strictly for the fan boys and girls I'd say!

Cluster (Boom Studios)
Small publisher Boom Studios is worth looking at and has produced some good titles such as The Woods and Wild Things both of which proved good reads. Their latest offerings include Cluster a science fiction series set in an era where mankind meets other races and war breaks out, In order to recruit troops criminals are given the option of serving in the army rather than prison. A ruse which reaches even minor offenders.
One group gets stranded and sets out to find the truth of what's behind Earth's wars.....

Divinity (Valiant)
Sticking to the science fiction theme comes this four issue mini series in Prestige format about a Russian astronaut returning from a forgotten space mission launched at the height of the cold war. He's changed and now is able to bend time, space and matter.
Oh did I mention he's a communist...
These are the titles I'll be adding to my "pull list" at the comic shop.
If you are interested and out of touch with the comics scene find a comic shop near you or go my local store: 30th Century Comics. They do mail order.