There have been a number of attempts to create a British magazine for comic book fans and in recent times these have floundered so I was pleased to see this weighty bi-monthly edition being offered via Amazon where it's printed to order. Not a bad way of doing business and with 100 US comic sized square bound pages this is also a welcome addition to the bookshelf.

The creators were previously involved in the production of Crikey! a short-lived magazine aimed at fans of British comics. With this they try and succeed in combing the two worlds. They also manage to fit in interviews with Guy Dorian and Howard Chaykin as an added attraction to a breadth of articles most of which will appeal to every comic fan.
There's a brief history of Namor who it turns out is currently dead something I wasn't aware of having given up on Marvel following the Secret Invasion debacle. May have to track that story-line down and have a read. followed by a look back at 2000AD Britain's most succesful comic.

Articles include the first part of a look at the (original) Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel Team Up (the only Spider-Man title I ever collected), a look at Moon Maddness a story from Smash! which I had completely forgotten about plus Charlton's Action Hero Line which never got the success they deserved until Alan Moore turned them into The Watchmen.

The emphasis of this first first issue is heavily Marvel & Power Comics orientated which as a fan of both back in the day is fine but hopefully they'll cover my favourites from DC in future issues.
It's actually well worth the cost of purchase and comes highly recommended by this fanboy at least!
Rating: 5 Stars
Order from Amazon UK.
Order from Amazon UK.
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