Monday, 12 April 2021

Young Avengers: Sidekicks (Panini)


Image: Jon Carpenter

With the lock-down gradually being lifted the comics industry is beginning to revive and appear on the shelves in shops. I've already purchased and reviewed the first issue of Panini's new Spider-Man comic though skipped over their Falcon & the Winter Soldier offering as I have never been a fan of The Falcon and remain annoyed that Marvel brought "Bucky" back from the dead. Sometimes characters should remain in their graves otherwise their "deaths" which once had such an impact on story-telling loses it's "gravitas".

I was however surprised to see this collected edition on the shelves in Sainsbury's especially as this story arises out Avengers Disassembled which was way back in (and I had to look this up) 2004 in Avengers Vol 3 issues #500 to #503. I have these buried in a long box somewhere but what I never read was the Young Avengers maxi-series that this book collects the first six issues of.

With the Avengers no more a group of super-powered teens suddenly appears and J Jonah Jameson wants the full story for his sensationalist rag The Daily Bugle. He sets two of his ace female journalist on the job including Jessica Jones a former super-hero herself and partner of Luke Cage.

No sooner than out of the building they are joined by Iron Man and Captain America who want to stop these "kids" as they see them. Steve Rogers still remains in mourning for Bucky which is why junior sidekicks never formed part of the Marvel Universe, plus the fact Stan lee hated the concept!

We don't have to wait long for the team to re-appear as hostages are taken at a local cathedral and enter Patriot, Hulkling, Wiccan and Iron Lad. They ed up buggering up the rescue but with a little help from the future Hawkeye the criminals are stopped.

The team return to their hiding place deep within the Avengers Mansion where they are confronted by Cap and Tony Stark and told to stop. They are waiting for Kang to attack but Iron Lad has a secret that will out and may doom the time-stream itself.

I have no idea as to whether this team are still around in modern day continuity but odd as Panini's choice may seem I'd like to see more especially with the great artwork of Jim Cheung. Depends on sales I guess. So get out there and pick up a copy or order direct if you can't!

Rating: 4 Stars (Recommended)

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