Tuesday 14 January 2020

The Sensational Savage She-Hulk #45 (Marvel /1992)

The Sensational She-Hulk #45 (Marvel Comics)

John Byrne (w) & (a)

It's been a while since I picked a copy of Bruce Banners cousin Jennifer Walters attorney at law or better known as the She-Hulk. Jennifer as we all know became the She-Hulk as the result of being given a blood transfusion by Bruce to save her life. This also transferred the power of the Hulk's mutated genes in to her body and so was born the Green Goddess who retained her intelligence but was not as strong as the Hulk.

But then who is?

This adventure finds us way out in the cosmos where Jennifer is seeking a couple of friends who got themselves made prisoner as the result of trying to help a certain sentient raccoon. Inside the jail She Hulk finds herself reminiscing about Marvel back issues with her non-plussed companions including an Ovoid in the neighbouring cell.

They are all prisoners of the cheese-string like race the D'Barl who have a weapon that can turn people into stone and one of their number suffers that fate. It seems the Phoenix destroyed the D'Barl's home-world and the survivors are none too happy with the human race.

Jennifer has a plan that involves the use of the Ovoids mind swapping abilities but something goes awry. Might even be worth picking up the next issue as the story is simply called "Oops".

A reasonable and amusing story-line but the use of gratuitous pin ups took up far too much space that should have been devoted to story telling and was one of the downsides of the nineties.

1 comment:

  1. ...with all the recent big-screen movies from Marvel & DC it easy to forget how bad a time the 90s were for comic-books
