Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2 (Archie Comics)
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (w) Robert Hack (a)
The second and somewhat delayed issue of Sabrina finally hit the stands this week and boy was it worth the wait! Chapter two introduces readers to the The Secret History of Madam Satan and to say this is somewhat of a departure from the "family friendly all ages" material that fans are used to seeing is an understatement.
A horrifying monstrosity stalks the woods towards the sleepy camp of some children where Madam Satan undergoes a transformation in which she steals a teenagers face leaving her victim with her own visage.
Screams ensue.
And off our intrepid evil witch goes to find the woman that left her jilted and torn apart by lions (I kid you not) but you'll need to read the issue to find out why.
After prevaricating about her form of revenge she discovers the existence of Sabrina.
Be afraid, be very afraid.....

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