Marvel Superheroes (Marvel UK)
Writers & Artists (various)
Over the past year or so I have gradually taken an interest in Marvel UK comics which when originally published I had little to no interest in mainly because I had easy access to the original format US editions. However as time moves on and I find it either difficult to obtain or afford certain Marvel editions these have become a useful way of "bridging the gap".
On a whim I decided to pick up five issues of Marvel Superheroes a monthly black & white comic which continues the numbering from Mighty World of Marvel/Marvel Comic weeklies, hence there is no "number one" issue and this begins with issue 353.
The issue pictured at the top of this post shows one of those inevitable fights between superheroes which seems to take place as a matter of course not just in Marvel Comics but their "Distinguished Competition" as the company used to refer to their main rivals.
The presence of the Ant-Man, shortly to be a major movie was a bonus as back issues starring the character have rocketed in cost of late.
The Avengers took the lead spot in this comic but the Champions strip starring Hercules, Iceman, Black Widow and the Ghosts Rider proved an interesting read especially since I had never read the American originals. The X-Men also appeared mainly wandering around the Savage Land fighting Ka-Zar and/or Magneto.
The comic was redesigned (a common event of Marvel UK publications) and we were treated to a Jim Starlin pencilled adventure from one of the Avengers annuals which actually looked very good in the larger black & white format of UK comics.
These comics are not expensive and worth collecting if you can find copies. There are 45 editions of Marvel Superheroes (last issue being #397) which ended up being merged with The Daredevils.
I'll be dipping in to Marvel UK again at a later date.
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