Hack/Slash vs Chaos TPB (Dynamite)
Tim Seeley (w) Rapha (a)
Regular readers will know I'm a great fan of inter-company crossovers they usually make for interesting and sometimes highly entertaining stories. This collection of the five issue mini-series from Dynamite is an oddity in itself. Chaos Comics went under in 2002! Their main character Lady Death remains owned by her creator Brian Pulido, briefly re-appearing under the also defunct Crossgen label but continues to be published by Coffin Comics. Pulido's latest enterprise.
Dynamite grabbed the licence to publish these characters (heroes is really not the right word except for Chastity) who were if I recall correctly were revived by Devils Due another company that's had it's ups and downs.
In many ways I had thought this line had run out of steam to be honest with only Chastity having any life left in comics and currently has her second series coming out from Dynamite. I did pick up a collected edition of the introductory series which was a bit "meh" to be honest and other than Chastity have ignored Dynamites Chaos output until now though I missed the Alice Cooper crossover which may have been amusing...

The main problem with this current revival for me is that Evil Ernie isn't evil enough and Lady Hel is no replacement for Lady Death. I found the story hard going and confusing. I have read several Hack/Slash comics some of which are good I have to say but like the Chaos characters have their limits. The art was a little disappointing and lacked the epic scope needed for a story around a war with the Devil himself.
Personally I think Dynamite should cut it's losses and concentrate on Chastity, though Purgatori being such a duplicitous bitch may prove a good opponent for Vampirella.
Chastity could do with some exposure via Vampirella. Just saying....
As they used to say in our school reports "could do better".

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