Sunday, 7 March 2021

A "Look-in" to the Eighties: 1984

1984: The year of the "Hurricane" in which six people are killed. The Tories ban trade unions at GCHQ, The Miners strike begins but the NUM has a split due to not having held a ballot. Tommy Cooper passes away live on stage. The Thames barrier opens and the magazine Tit-Bits close after 104 tears of publishing.

Thomas The Tank Engine begins on ITV becoming the most successful children's TV programme sice Postman Pat. The IRA attempt to assassinate Margaret Thatcher in the Brighton bombing. The Bill begins on ITV and Band Aid is formed.

Frankie Goes To Hollywood score three number one singles Relax (banned by the BBC), Two Tribes and The Power of Love. Wham have two number ones, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go and Freedom. German singer Nena reaches the top spot with 99 Red Balloons. The Smiths release their self titled album and ZZ Top put out Eliminator but the top selling LP is Lionel Richie with Can't Slow Down.

Meanwhile Look-in is still going strong with the main feature and pin up being of The Thompson Twins who had a number one album with The Gap and 4 hit singles including this one which reached No 11 in the Top 40.

The content of Look-in was pretty much unchanged though there was one new comic strip with Robin of Sherwood and excellent adaption of the Robin Hood legend that had it's first season broadcast that year:

And finally the back page featured one of my favourite pop groups from the time Matt Bianco who are shown here playing Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed which I still have the 12" version of. Great record.

1985's comics included:


Tomorrow we reach 1985 with a little surprise!

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