Friday, 12 March 2021

Comics Unlimited #5 (Available Now!)

The latest issue of the hobby journal Comics Unlimited is now out and like all previous issues is full of articles covering both American and British comics. I tend to read the articles that interest me personally most first then work through the other features some of which tackle subjects I've not come across before. More on that later.

Having just read (and reviewed) Infinite Frontier #0  I turned to part two of Tony Ingram's essay on DC Continuity which takes us through the period of Crisis On Infinite Earths aftermath, attempted fixes including Zero Hour to Infinite Crisis which whilst familiar to me was a useful reminder of how all this fitted together. I had forgotten about the Time Trapper's little Time Bubble. 

The next article I chose for openers was the continuing series on the history of The Defenders as I was no longer reading this comic after #100 and the transformation into The New Defenders which I might have to grab a few copies of one of these days. 

Next up was the short piece on Captain Hurricane (and his sidekick Maggot) from Valiant. I loved that series. Tongue in cheek and as the author Stephen Hooker says full of stuff today's PC censors wouldn't like with references to  Krauts, Eyties and Nips among the terms that would no longer be acceptable but in time of war were certainly used by soldiers and civilians alike. Like the author I am neither xenophobic (and was a "remainer") and certainly not racist. Context is everything.

There are pieces by Michael Mead on Mr Miracle and The Forever People, the latter being my least favourite part of the otherwise excellent Fourth World saga by Jack Kirby. The classic story This Man, This Monster by Lee and Kirby also gets a feature as One Of The Greatest Stories Ever Told.

Starman and Quasar get features for the unfamiliar. I have read a fair amount of Starman and was rather a fan of the one featured in Adventure Comics which should get collected in this fan's opinion but Quasar was very much a secondary Marvel character I didn't take much notice of if I'm honest so the article about the 90's version (which lasted 60 issues) was interesting.

As a young child I remember reading TV 21 and the short-lived Joe 90 comics occasionally but had all but forgotten about Zero-X which I did have a look at in some back issues before reading this background article. However I do recall the wonderful art of Frank Bellamy whose work is a major feature in this issue.

There's also a good article on the Spider-Man drug story (which I've never had the opportunity to read) which took place before the possibly better remembered Green Lantern/Green Arrow stories published later. Stan lee's act helped break down the stifling comics code and did so for a worthy cause. Drugs aren't clever kids.

In fact there's quite a lot to read in this bumper issue including an interview with Don Glut, John Silvestri and a fascinating piece on Joe D McFee and his work on titles such as Amazonia and wrestling comics neither of which I'd ever heard of. Not interested in sport but I'd give Amazonia a try if I ever come across a copy.

There's lots more including Glen B Fleming's Hatch comic strip (news on that to follow!) and I have to say Comics Unlimited is as always a good read and it's bookshelf format  more than welcome. Did I mention the wraparound cover by Russ Leach?

Rating: 5 Stars Plus (Highly Recommended)

Available from Amazon

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