Thursday, 25 March 2021

Doctor Who Annual 1985 (World Distributors)

The Colin Baker period of Doctor Who has many detractors though I have to say in retrospect I quite enjoy most of these stories from the period and was in any case always a big fan of Peri who features as his companion in 1985's Doctor Who annual.

I picked this up on a whim after buying an earlier Tom Baker edition which I'll take a look at in due course but I have to say the lack of comic stripes made this a disappointment for me. There's plenty of txt adventures but these were never something I was particularity interested in even as a child. Books are one thing and I enjoy reading but comics and annuals well for me they should be a pictorial format.

Colin Baker was also in the role when Doctor Who Magazine hit it's 100th issue in 1984 and is still going strong today.

There are a couple of features in this edition a look at how sets were designed plus a look into the special effects used in the show back then. New technology has moved both films and TV in a completely new direction undreamed of back then but you have to admire the budget limited ingenuity of those working on the programme.

For anyone not convinced that Colin Baker got a raw deal as the sixth Doctor please pick up any of the Big Finish audio productions featuring Colin. The character got a lot more opportunity to develop than the BBC allowed him to do.

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