Sunday 24 October 2021

Uncanny X-Men: Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire TPB (Marvel)


Continuing my catch-up with the Marvel Universe I thought it about time that delved into the back story of the X-Men. I think this story had just started when I dropped all my Marvel titles. I certainly recall the beginning so of all the volumes I hope to collect at least this had some continuity from my past collecting.

Panini's new British X-Men title has renewed my interest in Marvel's mutants who seem to have been through a lot in the last few years. Even when I returned to comic collecting at the end of the nineties I found far too much X-Men and their spin-offs to catch up with. Only Grant Morrisson's run eventually brought me back. Then there was The House of M which wasn't that great.

However times change and so do my interests so off to Shi'ar space for some adventure.  The story by Ed Brubaker is engaging and full of twists and plots within plots. The artwork by Billy Tan and Clayton Henry outstanding. 

It appears that there is a third Summers brother (the others being Cyclops and Havok) which was news to me but I digress. This man known as Vulcan appears to be an "Omega" level mutant and has headed off into space to destroy the Shi'ar Empire after remembering his past as a slave to the aliens and wanting revenge for the death of his mother. Of course a lot has happened since those days.

It seems that Xavier is no longer married to the Empress Lilandra and is wanted for crimes against the empire even though these were actually committed by an evil duplicate apparently (no idea but sounds like a story to read at some point). The Prof has to hide his presence wherever he goes though it's inevitable they will be found out.

There is a galaxy of stars and villains in this 12 chapter adventure. Skrulls, the Starjammers, bits of the Pheonix force and more. A worthy tale that will lead me to picking up more trades as I am able. Watch this space!

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