Showcase #100 (DC)
Paul Kupperburg & Paul Levitz (w) Joe Staton (a)
The one hundredth issue of Showcase published back in 1978 was a special issue to feature as many of the characters featured in this comic. Whilst some heroes only managed cameos they did manage to keep to their promise of featuring 60 superstars on the cover.
Showcase was certainly an important comic that helped rebuild the DC comics Universe with The appearance of the Flash in #4 back in October 1956, being considered the start of the "Silver Age" of comics.
The Challengers of the Unknown followed in #6, Lois Lane, Superman's Girlfriend got her solo try out in #9 (August 1957), Green Lantern followed in October 1959 and Aquaman re-appeared in #30 (Feb 1969).
There are far too many to list here but if you get a chance pick up a copy of this interesting, but very seventies story whereby everyone from Anthro to Tommy Tomorrow set out to save the earth from being kidnapped and destroyed by aliens.
Some of the characters introduced in Showcase and appearing in this fun issue were less successful and some are long forgotten but here's a gallery of to remind older readers and encourage younger readers to dig out some of these issues from the back issue bins.
With the recent Convergence story line having undone Crisis on Infinite Earths you might see some of these characters again.
One can only hope!
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