I posted about Vampirella yesterday and suggested that Dynamite and Warrant Publishing should team up to do an old fashioned black & white Vampirella special! After all that's how she started out first as a host and then as a major feature that has a fan base today! I have suggested this to Warrant on their FB page, so let's wait and see.
Meanwhile the latest issue of their now bi-monthly magazine has hit the stands! I ended up reading this in the hospital waiting room...
As usual the mag starts off with the old fashioned letters page, a joy to see in this age of the internet. I'd like to see these return to mainstream comics. The Fantastic Four and Conan have them at least but DC where are yours?
Right full marks go to The Sorcerers Daughter that kicks off this comic with a great story by Nicola Cuti with art chores done by Tom Grindberg. A wicked wizard kidnaps a Kings Daughter to replace his wife. A group of knights set off on a quest. Will they succeed?
Next up is Jungle Ghouls! by Don Glut with art by Benito Gallego. A hunter is saved from one cats dinner thinking he's in luck since his rescuer is a beautiful Caucasian blond but even though I guessed the outcome this didn't spoil my enjoyment. Dinners up guys!
Vampires in prohibition USA in Blood Oath by Lou Mougin and art from Reno Maniquis comes next. Different!
The Revenge of Frankenstein from the pen of Nicola Cuti moody pencils from Santos Zaballos is my favourite story in this issue Nazi's and the undead a great mix with a little twist. Cackles....
The Last Spook Show from Don Glut with art by Nik Poliwko entertains and horrifies in one sweep. You sometimes do get the blood you ask for...
Second to None is a fairly run of the mill ghost story by Bob Fisher and great art by Mansyur Daman.
The last story after the ads just in case you forget to go past them was a nice little yarn about The Phantom Coach. Moral of the story never go for a walk in a blizzard...
Rating: 4 stars
The best horror stories and magnificent ilustrated