A new Marvel weekly appeared on the UK newsstands featuring Thor the God of Thunder in complete "Great Marvel Colour" which it turned was mostly in full colour but to cut costs was simply black & white with a bit of red on a few pages. A bit of a disappointment but for 25p not a bad bargain.
This issue sees Thor take on the Wrecker after he escapes from custody. His power that of an immortal stolen from Loki and to be used to "look after number one" as the wrecker himself puts it. However there has been a shooting and a civil rights leader is in need of urgent surgery so Thor becomes Dr Don Blake to save the man's life.
As the building is seemingly hit by an earthquake and Dr Blake has to abandon his charge much to the chagrin of his fellow doctors. Thor is needed and a battle takes place from the rooftops to the subway before the Wrecker is defeated and his powers removed. The good Doctor Blake returns in the operating theatre and saves his patient as only he can.

A classic story from the pen of Stan "The Man" Lee and the pencils of Jack "King" Kirby. Nuff said.
Lasting just 39 issues Thor subsumed another Marvel UK, The X-Men title as of #20. Thor fell to the inevitable same fate due to low sales and was merged with Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends from #567.

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