Previews: The Comics Catalogue
The latest issue of
Previews has arrived and I've just finished making my order for those issues starting to arrive in March 2015.
Convergence #0 (DC)
Dan Jurgens/Jeff King (w) Ethan Van Sciver (a)
This is it. The big event of 2015. All roads lead to this. Futures End, Earth 2 War, Multiversity. The lot.
All DC story lines end this month as for the next two months all titles will be replaced with mash ups of characters from every reality that DC has ever published. The Silver Age, Post Crisis, Flashpoint and more.
Some details of these two parter titles on sale for April/May are already on line and will be formally solicited in the February issue. But first DC tell us:
Where do worlds go when they die?
The Earthquakes felt round the Multiverse, Superman's lost days after "Doomed," the World's End - all these points will converge as the history of the DCU is spun from a new perspective, the perspective of a mad god and his arrogant child. The biggest story in DC history ties into literally every DC story ever told - and it all begins here.
Kingdom Come, Red Son, Wild West Justice League, Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew - all the worlds you remember can still be found on Telos. Everything matters. Every story matters.
Don't miss the start of DC's April/May 2015 event with this special issue!
There's also a slew of final issues, 13 in all I think, as amongst others Klarion, Zombie GI and surprisingly, three of the Lantern Corps titles all end.
Expect new titles after Convergence finishes.
Also out from DC are the new Wonder Woman, Batman/Superman & Sinestro Annuals.

Then there's...
Red One (Image Comics)
Xavier Dodson (w) Terry & Rachel Dodson (a)
Set in 1977 while the cold war still rages, Soviet agent Vera Yelinkov is sent to the USA to become the Yankee imperialists greatest superhero.
Sounds fun and with the Dodsons on art duty could be a winner!
The Fox (Dark Circle)
Mark Waid (w) Dean Haspiel & Various (a)
The second of Archie Comics Dark Circle line of comics arrives with the rather wacky Fox. The jury was out on the recent mini-series which I understand is part of the canon. The artwork as well as the story were odd, so maybe this is going somewhere. Of all the old Archie heroes this is not one that was particularly on my radar. However I thought I'd give it a try.
Comes with multiple covers (four in all) if that's your thing.
Project Superpowers: Blackcross (Dynamite)
Warren Ellis (w) Colton Worley (a)
Just when you thought that Dynamite had abandoned it's Project Superpowers line of comics (I can't even remember when the last one came out) along comes a new, supernatural based six issue limited series. With British writer Warren Ellis at the helm, this certainly was destined for my "pull list".
Blackcross is a small town on the Pacific North West of America and it holds secrets. Worth a try I would say.
Maybe if it's a success they'll actually finish the main story.....
Altered States: Vampirella (Dynamite)
Nancy A Collins (w) Francesca Manna
Comics done in an Elseworld or What if Style but for Dynamite characters. This one takes Vampi to the alien planet....Draculon.
Rivers of blood and all that. Sounds a bit familiar, but still always had a soft spot for Vampirella.
If you want to pre-order these go to your local comic shop or if you don't have one try 30th Century Comics. They do mail order if you not in this part of the world!