Having finally gotten around to picking up a copy of one of London Edition's comics I thought I'd try out one of their annuals and was pleasantly surprised by this volume from 1982 which cam in excellent condition and surplussing in full colour throughout.
There were just the three of these annuals and this one reprints two issues of Justice League of America's early adventures featuring Adam Strange one of my favourite characters who despite everything always seemed to be a "second tier" hero when it came to fandom as he never sustained his own book.
However over the years Adam Strange has provided a good backdrop for DC's other characters to operate in as the war between Hawkman's home-world and Adam's adopted world of Rann was to prove. Currently Adam Strange has a maxi-series currently being published under DC's Black label imprint and I have the collected hardback on order for later this year.
Adam Strange Puppet of Time sees the big six of the JLA being called upon by Alanna Strange to help them stop a rampage by her out of control husband on Rann. The heroes oblige but in doing so fall victim to one of their earliest opponents Kanjar Ro who seemingly makes the heroes disappear....
Next up is the diminutive Atom, the shrinking superhero I really liked and always thought was underused by DC. In Miniature War of the Bat Knights (from Action Comics # 487) Ray Palmer and his alter ego prevent an invasion by the equally diminutive folk fro an underground cavern.
Last up is a solo Batman story Night of the Stalker a fairly typical story from the the seventies but worth a read all the same. of interest for some there is an all-original Wonder Woman text story.