Monday, 21 June 2021

Doctor Who: Out Of Time 2: The Gates of Hell (Big Finish Audio)


The latest arrival from Big Finish is the second in the "Out of Time" series this time featuring David Tennant with Peter Davison as they face off against an old enemy across time in of all places th catacombs under Paris.

Taking a tour of the Paris underworld is on many a tourists agenda but this one see's Peter Davison's Doctor meet up with Tina Drake, a human time agent from the 50th Century. There's a mystery afoot and the answer lies deep below the bustling city.

Of course it isn't long before betrayal leaves the Doctor a prisoner of the Cybermen who are using the tour guide (with a promise of immortality) to trap the Time Lord and allow for their Cyber factory to begin it's work and change history.

Only the timely arrival of the Tenth Doctor allows his Fifth version to escape, a wee bit of an unexplained anomaly but then time travel paradoxes always seem to end up with the improbable. Trouble is when they get back to Paris the Cybermen have taken over. Is the whole world like this?

The adventure is afoot.

I love these Doctor crossovers and this one is quite fun as the Tenth Doctor takes the mick out of the Fifth for spending too much time in the eighties when he refers to walkie talkies. If you haven't picked up the last one please do. That features David Tennant, Tom Baker and the Daleks!

Sadly (and I have pre-ordered this already) the third in this series featuring David Tennant and Colin Baker is not due until July 2022!

Available from:

Rating: 4 Stars

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