Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Black Beth and The Devils of Al-Kadesh (Rebellion)


Black Beth is not a new character having first appeared in a Scream! Special way back in 1988 and has been revived twice since Rebellion obtained the rights to the vast bulk of IPC/Fleetway's back-catalogue. This one-shot special is a brave attempt by the publishers to continue the expansion of it's comics fare in the UK. 

The one surprise readers will get from this one-shot is the format. This is a US sized comic so hopefully will be suitable for that market as well. The heroine of course is a female warrior who has a blind companion Quido and is set in a fantasy world that has much of the Cimmerian age about it.

The genre is of course "sword & sorcery" and it's easy to imagine a team up with either a certain barbarian or Red Sonja, the latter being more likely given Dynamites more open publishing programme.

In the main story Beth is setting out to destroy an ancient evil Anis-Amulun and finds herself in a city controlled by corrupt Lords and full of cutthroat citizens ready to betray at any moment. Rescued by Seers Estevan a member of The Templars of The Cleansing Dawn they journey to the ocean where the action begins.

However are Beth and Quido actually on the right side of justice in their quest.

There are two other short stories in this comic, one featuring Beth once again and the other a tale of Death Man who seeks to kill Merlin who just happens to be running a bookshop in down town London...

More please Rebellion.

Rating 5 Stars (Recommended)

In stores tomorrow or direct from: 2000ad.com

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