Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Captain Jack graphic novel removed from schedule

In the latest twist surrounding the bad behaviour of actor John Barrowman on set and despite his apology that his "cancellation" as both an actor and a character continue. Apparently penguin had planned to issue a graphic novel of a solo adventure as Captain Jack but it's been removed from their schedule and all mention of the project taken off their website.

This comes on the heels of the decision by Big Finish to withdraw the Torchwood adventure featuring John Barrowman and David Tennant last month. The company will issue refunds to anyone who pre-ordered it. Whist this was fairly close to the scandal being broken the decision by Penguin to withdraw a comic based on his character that was due later this year seems a bit over the top.

Barrowman's behaviour whilst offensive were more childish and stupid than the predatory actions taken by Noel Clarke and it also appears that the actor had already been disciplined by the BBC.  

Fansided reports:

Unlike with the predatory sexual harassment that Clarke is accused of, much of the cast interviewed saw a big difference between Clarke and Barrowman’s actions. Barrowman characterised what he did as “exuberant behaviour,” noting that, “Since my apology in November 2008, my understanding and behaviour have also changed.”

According to the BBC:

In a statement given to, publishers Titan Comics said: “We have no plans to publish this comic collection at this time.”

For those of you who may not have read Alex Kingston's new novel The Ruby's Curse Captain Jack does make a cameo appearance as the Doctor (who does not appear in her book) is "unavailable".

Photo: By Gage Skidmore, CC

This comes at a time when frankly consideration must be given as to when an offence is spent. Recently a cricketer was pulled out for historic racist tweets and the greens were forced to withdraw their candidate in Batley by-election because of homophobic tweets. Both were around ten years ago and in the case of the Green activist he was a teenager in Jamaica which I understand has a very homphobic culture. 

Both these men and indeed Barrowman have apologised so the question is when will these individuals be allowed to continue their careers. After all Leslie Grantham appeared on our screens despite being in prison for murder.

I for one hope that Big Finish do reinstate Torchwood: Absent Friends and we do get to see a comic adventure of Captain Jack.

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