Time to start picking out my orders for delivery in May. One that will not be on the list is Marvel's major event The War of the Realms. Besides the fact I have not been keeping up with events in the Marvel Universe having only just returned to pick up the Fantastic For and Conan this does not interest me for one very major reason.
Crossovers are expensive. Besides the min-series itself there are endless "essential tie ins" "must reads" and companion comics to empty not just my wallet but now as a pensioner simply cannot afford. Marvel's crossover events was one of the reasons I gave up on them.
Not only did they expect people to buy a large number of comics, the outcome of Secret Invasion was to say the least disappointing and the revelation that all these characters had been Skrull shape changers made me question what had I been reading for all this time...
However in the meantime there was one new Marvel title that did attract my attention and will be on my "pull list" at the local comic shop. A new Marvel Team-Up title which will hopefully introduce me as a lapsed reader to the new characters in the MU and maybe get to know some of the old again. Sounds like these will be published in story arcs for the Trade Paperback market. Money, money money. Please show a little respect for your hard pressed readers!
Sadly there's nothing new from DC this month and although they offer some interesting collections in their catalogue these are hellishly expensive and wouldn't have been in budget even when I was working. However there's a promise of a big "reveal", a secret hitherto unknown in Naomi #4 so I'll order the one issue to see if that is really the case.
Scooby Doo: Apocalypse ends this month, so after 36 issues we finally get to see if the human race can be saved. I'll be waiting for the TPB as I missed a chunk whilst in hospital. If you haven't read this comic please get hold of the trades. This time the monsters are real.....
Meanwhile IDW are releasing Star Trek: Year 5, the end of the original Enterprises crew and ship that never made it to screen. An absolute must for every trekkie. On my list!
Archie Horror return with a new offering of Jughead: The Hunger Vs Vampironica. See the hungry one turn into a werewolf whilst Veronica is..a vampire. Horror as only Archie can deliver. Riverdale is not safe these days. First zombies, now werewolves, vampires and one of the Blossom twins is the anti-Christ but we still don't know which one yet. Yikes!
Then of course is the big news for us Brits. I'm sure you've heard. If not where have you been hiding. Rebellion are presenting a Brand new Cor! & Buster Humour Special! Sweeny Toddler. Frankiestein and Buster himself! If this is as successful as the Scream & Misty Halloween Specials then we may see more of these and other British Comics on the stands! Buy!
If you are nowhere near a comic shop this will be in WHSmith's and other good newsagents or ask yours to reserve you a copy kids!
Finally this title from Vault Comics (no me neither) caught my attention. Queen of Bad Dreams. Nightmares spilling into our reality. Just the thing for bedtime reading.
Orders to your comic shop by 18th Feb.
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